Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Saturday was beautiful outside in our gardens. 
Sunday not so much. Gray skies.
I took some pictures anyway because I knew the 
blooms from our fall bulb planting would not last forever. 
I want to share them with you and along 
with that share an idea for those who are
not as confident as others when it comes to drawing.

1. We will begin with a simple digital photo. 
Downloaded onto the computer from our camera's card.

2. Next ... I changed the photo to a grayscale. 
I used photoshop but there are a
lot of other image applications out there. 
I printed this grayscale image.

3. Making the pattern is next and is simple ... 
I placed the grayscale photo onto my
small light table, securing it with a piece of scotch tape.
Then, placing a clean white sheet of
paper on top - tracing the outline 
and some details with a fine tip marker.
You can now reduce or enlarge this pattern for 
hooking, needle punch or applique.
Apply it to your backing using your favorite method.
My plan is to create a small hooked pillow for our 
wicker love seat that sits on our back porch.

Now you know how to create a pattern if you are not
confident in your drawing skills.
Just by pushing a button!

Watch for a sample of hooking this pattern 
in a future issue of The Wool Street Journal.

Monday, April 21, 2014

We have a wonderful downtown street here in Colorado Springs. It is called Tejon and is pretty much the center of activity for shopping, eating and strolling around for several blocks. It is walking distance from a couple of famous hotels and you can look west at every corner and see Pikes Peak. Today it is covered with snow - and when the snow is gone ... "purple mountain majesty!" I love my home town!
I remember when my folks would drive us downtown on this very street and park and do what they called "watching the people go by." Sometimes we would get out and let others watch us go by. Great memories of the good old days - when the best things in life were free!
Today we can find the freebies in our back yard ~ and we don't have to go far ...
This watering can filled with silk lavender sits on a shelf under a window right outside the room I use for WSJ office. A family of morning doves built their dream nest right under my nose!


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Winter was really hard for some of you! Too much!
It is so good to see the spring bulbs peeking up through the mulch ...
and sometimes through the snow here in Colorado.
We are having a typical Rocky Mountain Spring -
snow one day sunny the next day. That is what turns everything green! 
Georgia where Tina lives is way ahead of us with the color scheme
... we will catch up.
There is a Robin that visits me ... through the window behind my computer
... sits on a branch and looks right in! I swear!
The amazing thing is that it is for a long time.
You know how birds flit around and come and go fast?
This Robin is different - and I am enjoying it so much!
The April issue of The Wool Street Journal has
reached most of you by now ... and, I am hard
at work on the July issue.
 It can be confusing at times ... exactly what season
I am I living in!
Old rugs are popular in any season ... they are usually designed
around the homesteads of days-gone-by.
Home is where the heart is ... will always be true.
I recently posted this old pictorial rug circa 1890 on
Wool Street Journal's Face Book Page ...
Please visit us there and don't forget to like us ...
You have a rug hooking pal in Colorado and Georgia.