~WiNtEr WoNdErLaNd~
We waited anxiously for the snow to come, constantly running to the windows to see if the snowflake
s had yet begun to fall. Finally around 9pm the snow started to fall. The boys would check the TV and Internet for school closings and I knew from the sound of shouting coming from the other room that they had seen their school name go across the bottom of the television screen. It snowed all night and when we woke up this morning we had 6 inches!! For Georgia that is a massive snow storm! The boys quickly got their homework done so they could go and play in it. Of course being teenagers playing in the snow is not building a snowman it is a snowball fight.
Time for me to put on the cider for when they come in! I love snow days!!
JT(my hubby) Jake & NateTime for me to put on the cider for when they come in! I love snow days!!
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