Monday, June 23, 2014

This time of the year in the USA some folks begin
to think about a patriotic rug ~ eagles and stars!
Red White and Blue!
We are not limited to red, white and blue. We
can hook a great patriotic rug in any color theme
and not lose a beat of our heart beating true!
I hooked this little early rug called Double Eagles to
top off a little box that I use for a footstool ... using 
the original color plan which fits me perfectly!

Monday, June 16, 2014

An early rug pattern ~ lots of time spent on
outlining everything in narrow black strips ~ 
adds a special look ~ an expression of folk art.

Monday, June 9, 2014

See more about this rug in the July issue ...
Coming out soon!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Old army blankets can still be found and
purchased for a reasonable amount.
Here is a great example of a table topper
designed using lamb's tongues and decorative
stitches. A good project to keep by your 
favorite chair ... busy hands!